Hello, gamers!
We are very excited to announce that EmperorS4 Games will be collaborating with Broadway Toys to bring you bigger and better booth at Essen Spiel this year! Our booth is at HALL4 C102! the same location as last year!
Pre Order Ends OCT 16th!
This year we will be releasing 3 brand new games
Trial of the Temples
Jigūan: The Eastern Mechanist
Walking in Provence
We will also be bringing you Jixia Academy, a re-implementation of Hanamikoji.
If you missed out on Realm of Sand, our best sellers from last year, it is your chance now to reserve a copy.
Our classic games, promos and expansions will also be available for Pre-Order.
We have one more game for you! EmperorS4's first Roll and Draw game Geometric Art. Pre-Order available now!
We got a new Pre-Order page!
1. Go the pre-order site and place your order https://bit.ly/33a2hhU
2. PICK UP and PAY FOR your game at Essen, please show us your confirmation letter for faster service.
3. Enjoy your games!
*Note Please only click check out once, if you have not received a confirmation email, check your junk mailbox or email me at [email protected]
*Important! You must pick up your games before SATURDAY OCT 26 12:00 NOON, after that we will release the games to other customers.
Due to logistical problems we are not able to do mail orders this year.
For Wholesale Orders please contact our International Sales Rep Johnson ([email protected])
We are very excited to announce EmperorS4 Games will have our own booth at Essen Spiel this year! Please come say hi to us at HALL4 C104! This year we will not only be bringing our 2018 New Releases, but also our classic games. We will also bring with us Promos and Expansions! Some of the games and bundles are pre-order only, so make sure to order them if you are interested!
[To Kickstarter backers] We are really sorry for the missing Shadows in Kyoto Twin promo card. [What can we do] We apologize for the carelessness and negligence. If the missing card bothers you deeply, we still have few limited copies to offer. Please contact us via 【[email protected]】and let us know your address. We will consider ways to make it up to you. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused.